1896 Newspaper ‘Gleanings’ – Deaths – Notices , Articles, Obituaries

These Notices and Articles are taken from Wilmar Tognazzini’s “100 Years Ago” Series.


The information transcribed below is a direct 'Cut & Paste' from the 1897 Tognazzini Website, in many cases there is additional information as noted by: "This story is in the book, See Index".

Beginning with 1897, there are more actual Obituaries being published.

If you wish a Death Certificate Transcription, the SLOCGS Librarians can do research at the
County Clerk's Office. Research Fees are $15.00 per hour.


When Wilmar did this volume, he changed the format and made a "Vital Statistics Index". The Index is alphabetical: Where there is additional information, I have placed a link to the online book.

ABLES - In Nipomo, Oct. 19, 1897, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Ables.

ARICA - In this city, July 4, 1897, John G. Arica, a native of the Azores Islands.

ATENCIO - In this city, Dec. 14, 1897, Jesus Atencio, a native of New Mexico, aged 60 years.

AYERS - At Verde, April 2, 1897, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ayers.

BALL - Lucien V. Killed while cleaning revolver. This story is in the book. See index.

BASSI - A note last evening from Samuel Donati of Cayucos, states that the fourteen months old daughter of Antonio Bassi of Morro  Sunday evening and  was buried     Tuesday in the Odd Fellows cemetery a Cayucos.

BERNAL - Near Cambria, March 26, 1897, Joseph Bernal, aged 26 years and 11 months, a native of California.

BERRY - At the Los Osos, Dec. 5, 1897, Julia, infant daughter of A.J. and Rosalina C. Perry, aged 2 months and 2 days.

BIANCHINI - Near Cayucos, Oct. 10, 1897, Mrs. L. Bianchini, wife of Joe Bianchini, a native of Gordevio, Switzerland, aged about 46 years.

BICKMORE - In Oak Park, Thursday, April 29, 1897, Mr. Bickmore, aged 69 years.

BLACKMAN - In East Bloomfield, New York, Sept. 1897, George L. Blackman aged about 45 years, formerly a resident of San Luis Obispo.

BOLTON - In this city, Nov. 3, 1897, W.D. Bolton, a native of Ohio, and formerly of Tulare county, aged 49 years.

BONILLA - Near Arroyo Grande, Aug. 17, 1897, Anita, wife of Mariano Bonilla, aged 33 years.

BRYANT - In Templeton, March 31, 1897, J.N. Bryant, aged 62 years.


CANET - At Port Harford, July 30, 1897, Elvera, infant daughter of Joaquin and Mary Canet, aged 9 months and 1 day.

CARLON - In this city, June 11, 1897, Mariano Carlon, a native of San Luis Obispo, Cal., aged 38 years, 2 months and 27 days.

CASS - At Cayucos, Dec. 5, 1897, Jimmie, son of Charles A. and Melissa E. Cass, aged 4 years, 7 months and 12 days.

CASTILLO - At Los Angeles, Cal., March 28, 1897, Leonora Castillo, daughter of the late John and Gorgonia(sic) Castillo, a native of San Luis Obispo, Cal., aged  23 years.

CASTRO - In this city, Sept. 28, 1897, Evelina Castro, aged 3 months and 23 days.

CHAVES - Near Sycamore Springs, Sept. 22, 1897, Maria Chaves, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Chaves, aged 4 months.

COLLINS - In this city at the county hospital, Feb. 7, 1897, Michael Collins, aged 63 years.

CONRAD - Near Arroyo Grande, June 22, 1897, Sarah D. Conrad, wife of E. Conrad, a native of North Carolina, aged 85 years and 5 months.

CORNWELL - In Paso Robles, November 15, 1897, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cornwell.

CROCKER -   SAN MATEO, July 17_Col. C.F. Crocker, first vice president of the Southern Pacific company, who was stricken with apoplexy and paralysis at his  home eight days ago, at 7:15 this evening. He was forty-two years of age.


DALLIDET - At his home in mid March, 1897, result of gun shot wound. There are many articles relating to this shooting in the book. See index. ['Dallidet Link' is the entire article]

DANA - At Nipomo, March 19, 1897, Virginia Graves de Dana, wife of E.G. Dana, a native of San Luis Obispo,  aged 34 years, 1 month and 20 days.

DANA - At Nipomo, Jan. 29, 1897, Eugene Forrester, son of Edward G. and Virginia F. Dana, aged 1 year, 9 months and 8 days.

DAVIDSON - In Los Angeles, April 15, 1897, S.M. Davidson, aged about 75 years.

DAVIS - At Adelaide, Dec. 10. 1897, Mrs. Mary Davis.

DETRO - Michael. Heart failure near San Miguel. This story is in the book. See index.

DOWNING - In Lompoc, October 16, ‘97, Sophia Downing, aged 47 years, 1 month and 2 days.

DUNBAR - William A. Stricken in church and dies later. This story is in the book. See index. DUNHAM - In Paso Robles, Jan. 4, 1896, D.L. Dunham, aged 36 years and 6 months. (Compiler's note: The typesetter obviously  made the same mistake that many people do after the beginning of a new year. He did  not change  the year from 1896 to 1897.) This story is also in the book. See index.


EDDY - In Templeton, June 21, 1897, Mrs. Malinda (sic) Eddy, aged 78 years.

ESTRADA - At Asuncion Rancho, late January or early February, 1897, Pedro Estrada. This story is in the book. See index.

ESTRADA - At the Asuncion rancho, Jan. 31, 1897, Pedro Estrada, a native of Monterey, Cal., aged about 78 years.


FINDLEY - Near Paso Robles, May 22, 1897, David M. Findley, a native of Ohio, aged 79 years, 3 months and 3 days.

FLAGG - At Arroyo Grande, May 8, 1897, Pliny Flagg, aged 94 years.

FOREMAN -  The infant son of James Foreman  yesterday and was buried today. (Late Feb. 1897)

FRAGA - In this city, Feb. 8, 1897, Ignacio Luis Fraga, a native of Flores, Azores, aged 78 years, 9 months and 20 days.


GALLOWAY - In San Miguel, June 23, 1897, Mrs. Galloway, wife of J. E. Galloway, aged 28 years.

GARNIER - In this city, Jan. 30, 1897, Rejimo Garnier, aged 22 years, 9 months and 20 days.

GILESY - At the county hospital, Oct. 3, 1897, Salina Gilesy, aged 18 years.

GIUBBINI - In San Francisco, Dec. 9, 1897, Mrs. Chiarina Giubbini, a sister of Basilio Cadioni of Los Osos.

GOMEZ - In this city, Jan. 29, 1897, Mrs. Maria D. Gomez, aged 31 years, 6 months and 7 days.

GROAT - At Pismo, June 26, 1897, Lucille Undine, infant daughter of Robert and Mary Groat, aged 3  months and 12 days.


HANSEN - Stella. Killed in a train accident. This story is in several places in the book. See index.

HANSON - Near Paso Robles, Nov. 30, 1897, Ruth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hanson.

HARROLD - Near Cayucos, Dec. 5, 1897, Michael Harrold, a native of Ireland, aged 69 years.

HARTMAN - In San Francisco, Aug. 1897, Minna (sic) beloved wife of Israel Hartman and a sister of  the late Arnold Unger of San Luis Obispo, a native of Sheiltberg, Germany, aged 51 years.

HASSE - In this city, Dec. 30, 1896, Charles Hesse, a native of Hanover, Germany, aged 48 years 1 month and 14 days.

HEMINGER - At the home of his parents near Keosaugua, Iowa, Sept. 19, 1897, Chas. Douglas Heminger, late of San Luis Obispo, beloved  husband of Mrs. P.C. Heminger, and brother of Geo. Heminger of San Simeon, Cal., native of Mechanicsburg,. O.

HENDERSON - In Paso Robles, Nov. 24, 1897, Robert Henderson (colored) (sic), a native of North Carolina, aged 35 years.

HESS - At Newsom Springs, Jan. 22, 1897, Victor Hess.

HEWITT - In Los Gatos, Dec. 28, 1897, Joseph R. Hewitt, aged about 40 years.

HIGUERA - Son of Jesse Higuera, late December 1896 or early January. This story is in the book. See index.

HILL - In this city, July 21, 1897, Louisa Jane, wife of B.I. Hill, a native of Indiana, aged 48 years, 9 months and 8 days.

HILL - In San Luis Obispo, Mrs. R.D. Hill, wife of contractor R.D. Hill, late July, 1897.

HOLISTROM—In Linne, Oct. 24, 1897, N. Holistrom, aged 58 years.

HOMER - Near Arroyo Grande, Jan. 22, 1897, Mrs. Martha Homer, aged 63 years and 15 days.

HOTZE - In Oakland, Jan. 30, 1897, Carl Hotze, aged 66 years and 4 months.

HOURIHANE - At San Francisco, March 22, 1897, Thomas P. Hourihane, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 29 years and 4 months,  nephew of Thomas  Hourihane.

HOWARD - In this city, Aug. 13, 1897, David Howard, a native of Kentucky, aged 69 years.

HUEY - In Paso Robles, April 10, 1897, William R. Huey, a native of Indiana.

HUTCHINSON - In this city, Dec. 18, 1897, Richard Hutchinson, a native of Armagh county, Ireland, aged 76 years, 8 months and 16 days.


IVERSON - Near Paso Robles Union school district, June 30, 1897, Hattie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Iverson, aged 2 years, 5 months and 26 days.


JATTA - In San Jose, Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1897, Miss Lena Jatta, of the upper Arroyo Grande, aged about 17 years.

JENSEN - CRESTON: Mr. Lewis Jensen, a young man about 26 years old  last Saturday at his mother’s residence and was buried today, Monday, Dec. 6th in the Creston cemetery. A large concourse of people attended the funeral–the services for the dead–was held in the M.E. church, the Reverend Samson officiating.

JERSEY - In Arroyo Grande, Feb. 21, 1897, R.M. Jersey, a native of Ohio, aged 64 years and 15 days.

JOHNSON - In Vichy, Missouri, Aug. 29, 1897, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, aged 78 years.

JOYCE - In this city, Jan. 24, 1897, James M. Joyce, a native of DeKalb county, Georgia, aged 56 years, 11 months and 8 days.


KELLY - At Santa maria, Sept. 12, 1897, Mrs. Kate C. Kelly, a mother of Mrs. Wm. Adams.

KINZLER - In Corbett Canyon, Nov. 9, 1897, Fred Kinzler, a native of Germany, aged 56 years.


LA FRANCHI - At Guadalupe, Nov. 5, 1897, Filippo La Franchi, aged 55 years, 3 months and 20 days.

LASAR - In this city, Jan. 25, 1897, Dorothy Elise Lasar, beloved daughter of Marcus and Hannah Lasar, aged 3 years, 1 month and 11 days.

LASAR - Daughter of Marcus Lasar, May, 1897. This story is in the book. See index.

LAUGHERY - In this city, Oct. 11, 1897, Elizabeth Eleanor, wife of Henry Laughery, a native of Culpepper county, Virginia, aged 72 years, 5 months and 19 days.

LEE - In this city, Nov. 19, 1897, Fannie E. Lee, grand daughter of Y.A. and E.A. Lee of Santa Margarita, a native of Illinois, aged 15 years and 22 days.

LEIBRANDT (sic) - On Toro Creek, March 31, 1897, J.J. Leibbrandt (sic), aged 80 years.

LELAND - At the county hospital, Sep. 4, 1897, E. Leland, a native of Maine, aged 46 years.

LOPEZ - At the Cuesta, March 7, 1897, Amanda, daughter of Frank and Annie Lewelling Lopez, aged 11 years and 12 days.

LOWTHER - In Oak Park, August 26, 1897, Henry Lowther, a native of Virginia, aged 53 years, 5 months and 13 days.

LYNCH - In Arroyo Grande, Oct. 28, 1897, Miss Bridget Lynch, a native of Cavan county, Ireland, aged 36 years.


MAGGI - In this city, June 1, 1897, Oliva, infant daughter of P. and Mary Maggi, aged 2 years, 10 months and 12 days.

MAHER - In Arroyo Grande, May 12, 1897, James Maher, a native of Ireland, aged about 60 years.

MALLORY - In this city, mid-September, A.A. Mallory. This story is in the book. See index.

MARGETTS - At Nine Oaks, near Templeton, San Luis Obispo county, Aug. 23, 1897, Ellen Hawkesley, beloved wife of Chas. C. Margetts, aged 46 years.

MARTIN - In San Francisco, March 4, 1897, Luther Martin, a native of New York, aged 66 years.

MARTINEZ - In this city, Dec. 27, 1897, Adelina Martinez, aged 19 years and 1 month.

MARTINEZ - In this city, Sept. 13, 1897, Mrs. Josephine Martinez, wife of Manuel Martinez and daughter of Mrs. M. Vega, a native of Santa Barbara, Cal., aged 51 years, 5 months and 24 days.

McNEIL - In Nipomo, September 21, 1897, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNeil, aged 8 years.

MEALEY - At Hagerstown, Maryland, September 20, 1897, Mrs. E.W. Mealey, sister of Mrs. Dr. W.W. Hays.

MICKS - Death of two children. Death of third child possible. Measles. This story is in the book. See index.

MINOLI - In this city, March 25, 1897, Louis Minoli, a native of Parma, Italy aged 61 years, 6 months and 1 day.

MONOHAN -  Charles Monohan, a patient at the county hospital,  Saturday night and was buried Sunday morning. (Early May, 1897)

MORILLO - In this city at the hospital, Feb. 4, 1897, Elvina Morillo aged 23 years.

MORROW - In this city, May 30, 1897, Mrs. M.E. Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hornby.

MOTHERSHEAD - In Templeton, May 12, 1897, Mrs. Mothershead, wife of A.J. Mothershead.

MUSICK - On the Huasna, July 24, 1897, Wirt Musick, aged 20 years and 4 months.


OILAR - Near Morro, June 3, 1897, Nancy K., wife of J.L. Oilar and beloved mother of H.D. Oilar, a native of Kentucky, aged 72 years, 11 months and 21 days.   This story is in the book. See index.

OLIVER - At the Carissa, Dec. 5, 1897, John R. Oliver, a native of Azores Islands, aged 42 years.

OLSEN - George August, body found at San Simeon. This story is in the book. See index.

OTT - In Los Angeles, April 13, 1897, Miss Leona Ott, of Los Gatos, Santa Clara county.

OWEN - At Los Berros, July 13, 1897, Mrs. Genie Owen, wife of C. Owen and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.            Callender, aged 31 years and 8 months.


PACHECO - At Nipomo, March 15, 1897, Ida Pacheco, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Pacheco.

PENNEY - At San Jose, June 6, 1897, Jesse Lee Penney, a native of Minnesota, aged 22 years.

PENNINGTON - In Ukiah, July 3, 1897, Mrs. Belle Pennington formerly of this city.

PENNINGTON-In Ukiah, June 30, 1897, Mrs. Belle Pennington, wife of Alf. Pennington, aged about 35 years.

PERINONI - On the Oso Flaco, Aug. 4, 1897, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. Perinoni, aged 5 days.

PETERSEN (sic) - Karl. Killed by a train. This story is in the book. See index.

PETERSON (sic) - Karl. Killed by a train. This story is in the book. See index.

PIPPIN - Near Pozo, December 21, 1897, Mrs. Pippin, wife of W.T. Pippin. This story is in the book. See index.

POTTER - Young son of Chas. Potter. This story is in the book. See index.


QUINN - In this city, Sept. 8, 1897, John Quinn, a native of County Armagh, Ireland, aged 70 years.


RAMAGE - In this city, Dec. 17, 1897, George W. Ramage, a native of Ohio, aged 70 years and 15 days. This story is in the book. See index.

RAMELLI - In Cambria Nov. 16, 1897, William Ramelli, a native of Switzerland, aged 30 years.

REIL - Near Arroyo Grande, May 9, 1897, Mrs. Catharine Reil, aged 69 years and 10 months.

RIGGS - At Creston, Oct. 6, 1897, Thos. G. Riggs, a native of Tennessee, aged 83 years, 9 months and 3 days.

RILEY - At Morro, Feb. 7, 1897, Franklin Riley, aged 73 years.

RODRIGUEZ - At Los Alamos, Oct. 20, 1897, Mrs. Magdalena Rodriguez, aged 72 years.

ROMERO - In this city, January 20, 1897, William N. Romero, son of Juan Romero, a native of San Luis Obispo, Cal., aged 24 years, 2 months, 21 days.

RUDE - In Paso Robles Oct. 18, 1897, infant child of W.L. Rude.


SANTOS - On the upper Arroyo Grande, Nov. 16, 1897, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Santos, about 4 months.

SCOLARI - The little child of Mrs. Scolari of Cayucos Saturday and was buried Sunday. The funeral cortege was unusually large.

SCOTT - In this city, Oct. 20, 1897, Edwin G. Scott, beloved son of John and Kate Scott, a native of Cambria, San Luis Obispo county, Cal.

SERRANO - In this city, July 7, 1897, Hipolito, infant son of Hipolito and Dolores M. Serrano, aged 4 months and 20 days.

SHAW - At Shandon, Oct. 4, 1897, D.B. Shaw, aged 69 years.

SHINN - In this city, Dec. 12, 1897, Nina L. Shinn, oldest daughter of G. and Annie A. Shinn of Arroyo Grande, aged 23 years, 5 months and 29 days.

SIBERT - In Reinbeck, Iowa, Sept. 25, 1897, Dr. Sibert, father of Mrs. A. Horstman of Paso Robles.

SILVA - In this city April 13, 1897, Mariano, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Silva, aged 6 years, 2 months and 12 days.

SILVA - A nine-month’s old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Silva  last Wednesday from the effects of an overdose of cherry pectoral, unknowingly administered by the     mother. (Compiler’s note: The word “pectoral” refers to the chest or heart. It is probable that the word “expectorant” was intended.) Dr. Paulding was hastily sent for but the opiates in the mixture had already done their deadly work and the doctor found it impossible to save the little one. The funeral took place Thursday.—Oracle. This story is in the book. See index.

SMITH - In San Jose, Cal., May 2, 1897, Thomas P. Smith, of this city, eldest son of M.P. and Josefa Smith, aged 34 years and 1 month.

SOTO - In this city, Sept. 30, 1897, Ramona Soto, aged 1 year and six months.

ST. JOHN - At Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara county, May 8, 1897, of pneumonia, Edwin St. John, a native of Delaware, N.Y., aged 65 years.

STANTON - At Concho, Apache country, Arizona, Feb. 14, 1897, Mrs. Carrie A. Stanton, aged 57 years, 9 months and 25 days.

STARK - In this city, March 13, 1897, Mary J. Stark, wife of William H. Stark, a native of St. Joseph,  Missouri.

STOCKING - In Morro July 4, 1897, Ezra B. Stocking, a native of New York, aged about 64 years.

STOCKING - Ezra B. Dies of heart attack. This story is in the book. See index.

STRODE - In this city at the county hospital, Feb. 4, 1897, Leander Strode, aged 85 years.

SWENSON - In Paso Robles, April 2, 1897, Jonas Alfred Swenson, a native of Minnesota, aged 25 years, 7 months and 6 days.


TENER - In this city at the residence of her daughter, Palm street near Johnson, Frances Margaret, beloved wife of Isaac W. Tener, and dear and loving mother of Mrs. Frances M. Milne of this city, and of Robert E. Tener of Los Angeles. In her 89th year.

THOMAS - At the county hospital, Aug. 21, 1897, John Thomas (colored) (sic), aged about 65 years.

TOMASINI - In this city, March 21, 1897, Emidio Tomasini, a native of Someo, Canton Ticino, Switzerland, aged 19 years 8 months and 2 days.

TONINI - In this city April 12, 1897, Elia, infant daughter of M. and Eliza Scheiffarly (sic) Tonini, aged 1 year, 3 months and 12 days. This story is in the book. See index.

TRUBODY -At San Francisco, Nov. 26, 1897, John Trubody, a native of England, aged 90 years. Deceased was an uncle of John and William Sandercock of this  city, and had resided in San Francisco since 1846.

TRUESDALE - News has been received in this city that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Truesdale of Shandon, Tuesday from the effects of a scalding received  the day previous.

TULEY - Wife of Henry Tuley, Sr. on the Estrella. This story is in the book. See index.


VOLLMER - Near Creston, Nov. 5, 1897, Henry A. Vollmer, a native of Virginia City, Nevada, aged 29 years and 7 days. (Compiler’s note: In addition to this vital statistic there appears a lengthy obituary about Mr. Volmer in the Nov. 6, 1897 newspaper.) This story is in the book. See index.


WEIMER - In this city March 24, 1897, Napoleon Weimer, aged about 34 years.

WERTZ - At Paso Robles, Dec. 1, 1897, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Wertz.

WILKINSON - In Paso Robles, August 26, 1897, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkinson of San Juan, aged 57 years.

WILSON - At Edna, Feb. 25, 1897, Ann Wilson, wife of James Wilson, and sister of Thomas Baxter, a    native of county Cavan, Ireland, aged 73 years.

WITTER - Son of Attorney and Mrs.Witter. Overdose on medicine. This story is in the book. See index.

ZOPPI - Florian. Dies of heart trouble at Sycamore Springs. This story is in the book. See index.


Site Updated: 25 October 2015

Martha A Crosley Graham