Genealogical Family Trees
San Luis Obispo County


Root Family


The San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society would like to extend an invitation to host your
Genealogical Family Tree Online.

There are qualifications to this offer:

Membership: You must be a member in good standing.
Qualifying Person: Must have been born or arrived in early adulthood and died in SLO County.
Solid Genealogical Data: Well researched with documentation [Transcripts/Abstracts OK].
Minimum of 4 Generations ~ No living Individuals.

Submission Process:

A gedcom of the data can be sent to the SLO Genealogical Librarian.
[Personal Information on the gedcom should include only your email address]
The gedcom will be converted to html, uploaded and linked to this Site.
The gedcom will be returned to you.

Site Created: 4 October 2010
This Site belongs to the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society