Pine Mountain Cemetery
Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County

The Atascadero Cemetery was formed in 1940 by petition of the area residents for the purpose of assuming operation of the Pine Mountain Cemetery. The District provides perpetual care maintenance of the 60-acre cemetery. The Pine Mountain Cemetery District is located at the intersection of Pine Mountain Road and Highway 41.

This Site is dedicated to the memory of Kenneth Henry Kieselhorst.

Updated Index and Headstone Photos
In March of 2012 SLOCGS received permission to photograph the headstones in the Pine Mountain Cemetery in Atascadero.

Mr Gilbert Cabrera, Office Manager and his Maintenance Crew were especially helpful when we had questions.
Dianna Curtis & Don Woodworth assisted with Map Plotting and the Identification of the Sections.
573 Interments were added to the 2005 Index making a total of 5232 known burials.

The Photographers:
Dianna G Curtis, Barbara Baranek, Jan Canigiula, Barbara Castillo, Janet Grummitt, Shanda Grunkemeyer-Gibbs, Martha A Crosley Graham, Ingrid Penman and Don Woodworth.

The Database Crew:
Lorrie Akley, Claudia Collier, Dianna G Curtis, Tom Gorham, Martha A Crosley Graham & Rich Miller

There are a lot of unknowns in this Cemetery, over time remains have had to be moved from the Canyons as flooding occurs on a regular basis. A side note that may be of interest: Several years ago a headstone was found in the bottom of one of the Canyons, it is for John Joslyn who was originally buried in 1918 and was probably among those re-interred. His headstone can be found in the grassy area by the Office as his exact grave location is unknown.

The Updated 2012 Index can be found here.
Section / Plot Maps are available as an attachment to an email

Headstone Images are available as an attachment to an email.

A word about the Family Plot & Marker Photos ~ Images: Contact SLOCGS
These were taken to help identify locations. The naming of the particular images presented a problem in that there were multiple burials in a Lot that may not be related. Wherever possible, these images were given the name of the Lot and Section rather than a Family Surname. Please use the Grave, Lot, Section Column as a guide to these images.

The Obituaries from this Project are available.
Contact SLOCGS for additional information.


All of the photos and databases that are contained on this site and in linked directories are watermarked and are the property of SLOCGS [San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society, POB 4, Atascadero,  San Luis Obispo, California]. The headstone photos may be used for personal genealogical purposes and none other.

 Site Updated: 31 October 2015

This Site belongs to the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society