Shandon Cemetery
Shandon, San Luis Obispo County

The Shandon Cemetery is located on a hill just east of the town of Shandon over looking Highway 46.  From US 101, take State Route 46 East to the second Shandon town site turnoff.  Take immediate left on Cemetery Road.

This pioneer cemetery  is situated on about an acre of land surrounded by open chaparral, farmland and  vineyards.

The Cemetery was originally indexed in 2000 by Judi Southcott.

In September of 2006 a group of 15 Liberty High School [Paso Robles]  students, led by history teachers Nathan Maas and Dan Sharron, conducted a survey of the grave sites, took photographs and noted GPS coordinates. New Interments were updated by Ellen Schroeder of Shandon.

A fully searchable Index in pdf format can be found here.

Headstone Images are available here.

All of the photos and databases that are contained on this site and in linked directories are copyrighted and are the property of SLOCGS [San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society, POB 4, Atascadero,  San Luis Obispo, California]. The headstone photos may be used for personal genealogical purposes and none other. They are put online as a service to the Genealogical & Historical Community.

Site Updated: 31 October 2015

 This Site belongs to the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society