Register of Births
San Luis Obispo County, California 1873-1902


The San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society has a number of documents available in their library concerning San Luis Obispo County. As part of our Society Mission is to preserve as many local documents and information as possible and since the 'Register of Births' is no longer for sale, we are making it available online.

This "Registry of Births, San Luis Obispo County, California, 1873 -1905," was transcribed a number of years ago before the general use of personal computers. These are the copies of the actual typed pages and therefore contain some strike-outs and questions about spelling of names. Anyone who has had the opportunity, sometimes task, of having to interpret handwritten documents will understand the problems that were encountered.

The above is the original preface to the ‘Register of Births’ Publication’. With the advent of computers and software that will organize in a more logical fashion, an index was typed into a spreadsheet, sorted alphabetically and put online for researchers. The “Register of Births” is no longer in Publication.

Father’s Name, Mother’s Maiden Name, Nationality of Parents, Gender, Ethnicity, Health Status [Born Alive] and [bearing in mind the above information about dates of birth] date of birth or date of registration.  The original hand written work is in the Archives of the SLO Genealogical Library.

SLOCGS has undertaken to consolidate San Luis Obispo County Birth Records from several locations.

The information on this Site is from different sources: Two are located on Family Search, one is from an old SLOCGS Publication and one is the result of lookups done by Barbara Erden who has graciously donated them to the CA GenWeb.

Check this Index for persons of interest.

Then use these links to locate the data.

SLO Births [Old Publication-Scans]  FS Online: SLO Births  

Linda Donnelly, Barbara Erden, Patty Overturf, and Martha A Crosley Graham have all contributed Vital Record Transcriptions to this Project.

This Site belongs to the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society

Site Updated: 10 December 2014