Wood-Voakes Mortuary Index
Woods-Voakes Mortuary
Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County
A word about the “Registry of Funerals”:
The publication is a copy of the Funeral Records of Woods-Voakes Mortuary of Arroyo Grande, California, from 1896-1915. It was first printed by Hubbard Printing of Arroyo Grande in September 1983. The index was prepared by Michele McCaffrey, Marilyn Johnson and Bob Christian and was completed in January, 2000. The names were transcribed as they were spelled in the register, sometimes being the best guess possible.
The majority of the Families serviced by the Woods-Voakes Mortuary lived in the southern portion of San Luis Obispo County.
The information contained on the pages is as follows:
Remains Of ~ Ordered By ~ Age ~ Cause of Death ~ Date of Death ~ Date of Burial Coffin or Casket
A word about the index. The Number behind the name is a reference to a page number in the Register. If there is only one name, that is what is in The Register. The index is a PDF file, fully searchable. Use the page number from the index to choose the page image below to view the information.