Volunteer Opportunities
Here are some great ways to get to know other people in the group and be certain that you are part of helping things work so well!
This is fun and satisfying, no matter what level of activity you want to do.
Library volunteers are needed for our SLOCGS Genealogy Library in San Luis Obispo. You can select a day and time that fits your schedule. It’s a great opportunity to work on your own research while also assisting patrons with our collection, answering genealogy questions, or getting started with genealogy. Can’t commit to a regular monthly or weekly shift? Substitutes are always welcome, and training is provided.
Contact us at slocgscontact@gmail.com for more info or if you would like to help.
Share your knowledge in a Special Interest Group. Assist in facilitating a group with a common interest. Each of us knows something that others would love to learn. Members gather to share information, strategies and help each other with troubleshooting. This group could be of your choosing, such as the British Isles, France or Canada; or even a user group for a particular Genealogy Program such as a “Roots Magic User Group” or a “Mac Reunion User Group”. Currently, we have 4 active groups: German Heritage, Scandinavian Research, Genealogy Writing, and General Genealogy with DNA. Send an email to slocgscontact@gmail.com for more info or if you would like to help.
At our bi-monthly meetings:
Assist our Hospitality Chair by volunteering to provide snacks at a meeting. A clipboard is circulated during a meeting for members to sign up to bring snacks to the next meeting. Coffee, tea, and water are provided (we depend on donations from our “Donation Jar” for these items). The hospitality crew provides additional snacks (donation-based from previous meetings). We also appreciate help setting up, cleaning up, and taking out the trash after the meeting. Send an email to Vicki at slocgscontact@gmail.com for more info or if you would like to help.
Assist the Membership Director at the welcome table to set out the nametag badges, sign-in sheet, and to welcome members and guests as they arrive. Send an email to Marilyn at slocgscontact@gmail.com for more info or if you would like to help.
Assist our Facilities Chair in setting up chairs and tables, set up and test the audio and video equipment, and set our SLOCGS sign outside the front door of the building.
After the meeting, all tables and chairs are to be returned to their storage locations and audio and video equipment returned to our locked cupboard. Send an email to Tim at ttryon@aol.com for more info or if you would like to help.
Assist the Raffle committee in obtaining raffle items prior to the monthly meeting; then at the monthly meetings, set out these items at the raffle table (already set up by the Facilities volunteers), sell the tickets, and hold the drawing. Send a general email slocgscontact@gmail.com for more info or if you would like to help.
If you have any other talents you would like to offer, we would love to hear from you! Send a general email slocgscontact@gmail.com